Is The Here And Now Where It's Really At?
(Cruze and family friend, Megan, in the moment of a gorgeous sunset off our deck.) I'm teaching my sons to meditate. I am also fine...

Can Changing One Word Change Your Life?
A few weeks ago, my eldest son and I were crawling into our family work truck, setting out to do a bunch of things we really didn't want...

The Warrior Within
How to overcome tragedy, stop being a victim and become the warrior of your own life.

My Mom Is Always Happy!
Reaching a state of grace, or deep contentment, has taken grit and determination. Now I hope to someday teach how to do it to my sons.

Putting An End To U.S.'s Mass Shootings
An examination of the two blaring issues in society today that must be resolved to prevent further school massacres: mental health and gun c

How To Teach our Sons Respect For Women
How to teach our adolescent sons to respect women and always understand that "No" means "No."

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes
The amazing things our children say can make us wonder just how much they understand about life.

Parental Alienation: What We Know
An examination of Parental Alienation Syndrome and its long-term effects on children.

The Dangers Of Dating And Child Attachment
Dating responsibly as a single parent.