I Wish
I was recently talking to a friend of mine who's 24 year old daughter is gravely ill. My friend is understandably very distraught. His...

Is The Here And Now Where It's Really At?
(Cruze and family friend, Megan, in the moment of a gorgeous sunset off our deck.) I'm teaching my sons to meditate. I am also fine...

Confessions Of A Compulsive? Impulsive? Shopper
We often use the words interchangeably…compulsive and impulsive. Curious, I looked them up to decide which word best described my former...

Fifty Years Old And Still Don't Know Sh#*!
Today is my fiftieth birthday. I've double checked the math several times to see if somehow there was a major error along the way. But...

How I Came Back From Severe Depression
How I healed my severely depressed mind by understanding what was happening physiologically.

Beware Of Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a term that refers to making a person question their reality in order to manipulate them.

How To Forgive Yourself And Stop Self-Sabotage
How I learned to forgive myself after realizing the ongoing damage not doing so was causing my life.

The Dangers Of Dating And Child Attachment
Dating responsibly as a single parent.

A Better Looking Body At Any Age
How to maintain a fit, healthy body and look in your 20's, 30's, 40's and beyond.