My Mom Is Always Happy!
Reaching a state of grace, or deep contentment, has taken grit and determination. Now I hope to someday teach how to do it to my sons.

The Gift My Best Childhood Friend Gave Me
As an adult, I have had the unique joy of being told many times, when I meet non-Americans, that there is something different about the way

Fifty Years Old And Still Don't Know Sh#*!
Today is my fiftieth birthday. I've double checked the math several times to see if somehow there was a major error along the way. But...

Beware Of Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a term that refers to making a person question their reality in order to manipulate them.

How To Diffuse Any Argument
How to resolve any argument, romantic or business, quickly and effectively.

The Thinking Man's Guide To Finding A Great Woman
A guide for men to achieve greater success in finding and dating quality women.